Sunday 2 December 2007

SchNEWS 609 - Giving out free food now illegal in london

NO FREE LUNCHLondon Councils, which represents London's 33 local authorities, is preparing the tenth London Local Authorities Bill for wheeling out on November 27th. Amongst the knee-jerk reactions in the bill include cracking down on chewing gum dropping and litter, and there's also a section about 'distribution of free refreshments' - which would effectively ban soup kitchens. Giving out food to homeless people will be outlawed in Westminster - where 250-300 sleep rough every night - and possibly beyond. In the Evening Standard the Westminster Council have been saying that such hand-outs 'keep people on the street'.
SchNEWS 609 - Brighton activists reache out to occupied Palestine, Brian Haw takes Ian Blair to court, 'Bash the Rich' march at David Cameron's house, and more...

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